Executive Team

Rick Huntley

Rick Huntley is a highly skilled leadership and change consultant, facilitator, teacher with demonstrated ability to successfully facilitate learning and skill development using group development theory, experiential learning and individual growth.

As President and Principal Consultant of Rick Huntley Consulting, Rick comes with extensive experience providing midsize to large organizations a clear snapshot of their current state then developing a strategic roadmap for desired organizational outcomes. A key focus area is supporting organizations to work skillfully across multiple dimensions of difference among employees throughout the organization.

Rick is the lead consultant for NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science’s global inclusion and diversity leadership program designed for Organization Development consultants and others wanting to integrate working across multiple differences into their organizational development consultancy.

He has been adjunct faculty at both the American University, Masters of Organization Development Program where he taught Group Theory and Change Facilitation and Georgetown University’s Continuing and Professional Education Program teaching Strategic Diversity Management.

Rick is also an award-winning speaker with Toastmasters International.

Prior to creating Rick Huntley Consulting, LLC, he held leadership positions at an international behavioral healthcare consulting firm, where he provided management coaching, supervision, and staff training and development. In 1993, he created Outlook Psychotherapy and Consulting, a mental health firm, where he provided psychotherapy, corporate stress management training and Critical Incident Stress Management education.

Rick completed graduate study at Howard University in Washington, DC and earned a post-graduate certificate in Organization and Systems Development from the Gestalt OSD Center in Cleveland.

» View Resume


P1-572c2Rianna Moore, PhD

Rianna Moore, PhD is on the executive team of Rick Huntley Consulting, LLC. Dr. Moore is an individual and organizational development consultant with 40+ years’ experience providing training, education, program design and facilitation, and OD consultation in various sectors including corporate, government, and education. She has consulted to senior managers in many organizations around culture, structure, diversity-inclusion (D&I), performance, strategic planning, meeting design and facilitation, teambuilding, and process consultation. She has also designed and facilitated various development programs for executives, managers, and individual contributors. She recently designed, facilitated, and documented a weeklong laboratory-learning program for facilitators of experiential learning. A particular interest is developing internal HR/OD/D&I specialists. Dr. Moore is also a Track Champion with WIN Insights, a member of NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, and an adjunct faculty at Georgetown University. Her PhD in Human and Organization Systems is from the Fielding Graduate University.


Judith Gail, MSOD

Judith Gail MSOD, is an international consultant and practitioner with over 25 years’ experience in organization development and change management. As an OD consultant and practitioner, Judith facilitates organizations through interventions that focus on strategic planning, conflict management, leadership development, group dynamics, and an organization’s inclusion journey, specifically large-scale change initiatives about race, race culture, and race trauma.

Her work in the field of change and transformation has provided her the opportunity to work with leaders at all levels of system, across multiple industries and around the world. What particularly leads her to smile is the deep awareness that comes as organizational members meet themselves anew after confronting risks or reaching beyond their comfort zone to overcome a challenge they once saw as insurmountable.

As a life-long learner, Judith’s education has been her ongoing reality. She holds an undergraduate degree in business administration and graduated from American University with a MS in organization development. Her postgraduate studies in ethical and creative leadership, and Gestalt help frame the foundation of her work.

Additionally, Judith is a dean and faculty member for NTL’s OD certificate program, and on faculty for the International Gestalt Organization and Leadership Development program where she is also a graduate.


Sharon Bueno Washington

Sharon Bueno Washington, consultant and facilitator with Rick Huntley Consulting, is an organizational development consultant with more than 25 years of experience. She has worked in every major industry in both the public and private sectors. She is a trained executive coach and mediator, with extensive group and process facilitation experience.

She consults to a wide array of clients, from more than 35 countries, across the US, and in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago, France, Spain, Austria, and England.

Since 2015, Sharon has been a member of the coaching team in support of Doctoral students and an adjunct lecturer at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and in 2018 joined Harvard’s Graduate School of Education in a similar position.

Sharon holds a Bachelor of Science degree and has studied at the undergraduate and graduate levels at several universities in Spain. Sharon speaks Spanish conversationally, grew up in New York City, and now lives in Boston.


Dr. Joel A Davis Brown

Dr. Joel A. Davis Brown, consultant and facilitator with Rick Huntley Consulting, specializing in cultural intelligence, leadership development, organizational strategy and change management, and strategic storytelling. As a change agent, Joel works strategically with organizational leaders and professionals to cultivate innovative, creative, and adaptive environments where the cultural genius of everyone can be harnessed and leveraged successfully.  In particular, Joel works with organizational clients to foster psychological safety, healing, belonging, and transformation.

Joel has nearly 25 years of facilitation experience and is skilled in working with small to large scale groups. Joel is also an experienced executive coach who works with C-suite executives, emerging leaders, visionaries, and “cultural creatives.” As an ICF-certified coach, Joel employs a strategic and solutions-oriented approach that supports transformational leadership.  Joel has coached global leaders from six continents and is pursuing additional certifications in somatic and neuroplasticity-based coaching.

Joel is also a certified facilitator with the Cultural Detective suite of intercultural tools. Beginning in 2018, Joel was named an adjunct professor at the IESEG Management school in Lille and Paris, France, where he teaches executive MBA courses on emotional intelligence, strategic storytelling, and story listening.